Representing and Reframing Migration


  • Carolina Cambre Concordia University
  • Asko Lehmuskallio Tampere University


Author Biographies

Carolina Cambre, Concordia University

Cambre, Carolina is an associate professor at Concordia University and Associate Researcher at IRCAV-Paris 2020-2025. Her work explores vernacular visual expression asking: How do people produce and direct the visual space? How is the image a doing? What are the social and cultural work/ings of images? She works through visual sociology, sociology of information, image studies, and politics of representation. She has projects on visual processes of legitimation, representation of online sharing, and polymedia literacies. She is the author of The Semiotics of Che Guevara: Affective Gateways (Bloomsbury 2015/16); co-author of the forthcoming Toward a Sociology of Selfies (Routledge); and co-edited Mediated Interfaces: The Body on Social Media (Bloomsbury, UK) with Katie Warfield and Crystal Abidin, as well as Visual Pedagogies: Concepts, Cases & Practices (Brill | Sense Publishers, NL) with Edna Barromi-Perlman and David Herman, Jr. (forthcoming).

Asko Lehmuskallio, Tampere University

Lehmuskallio, Asko is a Full Professor in the New Social Research program, and focuses in his work on the intersection between visual studies and media studies, with a special interest in media anthropology and digital cultures. He leads a research project on Banal Surveillance funded by the Academy of Finland, and is a co-founder of the Visual Studies Lab. Lehmuskallio has held several positions abroad, including Visiting Scholar at UC Berkeley, United States, and the Sussex Humanities Lab, United Kingdom, and as Rudolf Arnheim Guest Professor at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany. Among his publications are the co-edited works Digital Photography and Everyday Life (2016) and Mobile Digital Practices (2017) and the Finnish-language Entanglements between Bodies and Documents: A History of the Finnish Passport (2020), co-authored with Paula Haara. In addition, he has co-curated two well-received exhibitions at the Finnish Museum of Photography, #snapshot (2014-15) and Documenting the Body: A History of the Finnish Passport (2020).


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How to Cite

Cambre, C., & Lehmuskallio, A. (2022). Representing and Reframing Migration. Imaginations: Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies, 13(2), 5–22.