If One has the Floor, does One also need to Dance? Topology, Choreology, and the Structure of Digital Space


  • Marko Vučković York University




Marcello Vitali-Rosati, in the essay “The Writer is the Architect” complimented by other works, provides a two-part thesis. The first argues that space is a chiasmic structure (as inside-outside); and the second argues that this structure reveals the productive role of the subject in constructing digital space (as architect). The essay here seeks to elucidate this logic and to expose it to a Lacanian critique: that it is a hysterical discourse unable in principle to emancipate digital spaces because it entails a purely immanent subject—in short, a subject which is solely product, not producer, of digital space

Author Biography

Marko Vučković, York University

Marko Vučković is a Serbian-Canadian private sector secondary school humanities teacher and  independent philosophical writer. He has Master's-level degrees in philosophy of science and  philosophical theology, and is pursuing a PhD in Humanities at York University. He has recently moved to writing on the intersection of psychoanalysis, semiotics, logic, and ontology. He is based in Toronto.


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This is not a cigarette (showing a hand drawing of a cigarette)




How to Cite

Vučković, M. (2024). If One has the Floor, does One also need to Dance? Topology, Choreology, and the Structure of Digital Space. Imaginations: Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies. https://doi.org/10.17742/IMAGE29703


